Addison & Ayla

Addison & Ayla

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy 60th Anniversary!!

Adam's Grandma and Grandpa Patrick celebrated 60 years of marriage this week!!

Mike, Dan, and Becky with Mom and Dad

                                      Adam, Addison, Claire, Ayla and Isabeall playing outside in the HEAT!

We had a great day catching up with the Patrick side of the family and the kids enjoyed playing outside as you can tell!. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Swimming Week #3

Addison is becoming quite the little fish.  He is swimming really well.

Ayla has made progress, look she is smiling !!!! 

Last Day of School!!!

Addison is now a First Grader!!  Ayla is now a Big Bird!!! They both got perfect report cards!! They are doing great in all areas!!  We are so proud of them!! Keep it up!

Lost Tooth #5

The night before the last day of school, Addison, Ayla and I were snuggling on the couch, when I noticed Addison's loose tooth was very loose! I told him he better get it out, and he wiggled it and immediately pulled it!! Whhooohoooo!! 

Ayla cried, because he did such a good job pulling out his tooth without crying! ( I think she was afraid that it would hurt and was so relieved when he was just fine!!  Addison was sooooo excited!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Adam shrunk some videos so we could upload them, we did not get her dance with the solo part on our camera because she was moving all over the place.  We had great seats and used our camera to "video" just Ayla..It is a little blurry since we had to shrink it but you can see her.

Mother's Day Song


Sunday, May 20, 2012


Last Soccer

Well the Gray Team went undefeated this season!! Addison had  great game again today, he scored a goal!!

Recital Cont.

                                                   Ayla got a plush flower this year.. and really likes it.
                                     She also got all fo these pretty flowers!
                         We made cupcakes for dessert that looked like little ballerinas for this special day!!

Ayla's Recital

Ayla had her dance recital on Saturday, she does daytime lessons so she was only supposed to dance in the daytime recital.  She took ballet and tap ( we took a video of the tap but no pics) this year.  I had not watched her do her dance all year since they do it during daycare.  I was completely surprised when they asked me if Ayla could do a solo part in the Ballet Production of the evening recital.  I said yes since they were confident she would do it!! She did an amazing job on all of her dances!! We are really proud of her.

                                                  Ayla was lucky to have some fans at both the afternoon and evening recitals.  Claire, Kristen, Anna, Ali, Ashley, Grandma Beth, Grandpa John, Grandma Kutscherenko and Aunt Susie, Tami, Tammy, Karen and Cindy  were able to attend a recital or two to cheer Ayla on.  Thanks for coming!!
 The rest of the picture son this post are of the Ballet Production part of the recital.  I am going to try again to post a video of her dance ( if I can).

There happened to be one problem in the whole plan, this is the girl that Ayla was supposed to be with on the bench and holding Ayla, at rehearsal that morning she injured herself and was unable to perform.  Ayla was very sad her dance partner was not able to participate but she did great with the other girl!!

 They asked Ayla to come back up to the stage at the end to get her very own flowers!
So not Children's Choir is over for the summer, soccer is finished, dance is finished and school is almost out!!  What will we do with ourselves????

Children's Choir

This was the last rehearsal for Children's Choir on Thursday, they rehearsed and then had ice cream!! They sang at church today and did wonderful, I forgot to take a photo of them but they were very cute!