Addison & Ayla

Addison & Ayla

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Ethan!

On Saturday we went to our little cousin Ethan's 3rdsbirthday, we forgot the camera but had a great time.  The funniest part was when Ethan was blowing out the candles he was drooling and it landing on the cake ..several times.  It was very funny!!

Early Birthday Surprise

Today after soccer Grandma and Grandpa wanted to come up and surprise Addison with his birthday gift.  We went to Subway and got  a "picnic" then we went to Dillion Park to get his surprise.  See it coming in the background.

He was very surprised.

And he loved it.. This was the best day of his life!!

He did pretty well. He only wrecked one time!

Ayla wants to drive it sooo bad, we told her she had to learn to ride a bike without training wheels first, so we didn't have tools to remove her training wheels with us so she came up with a plan, she decided we could take Addison's bike from the car and practice riding it.  So she did.  She is improving but not quite ready for the little dirt bike. 

Both kids did great trying to ride something new today!! It was a fun day!!

Soccer Week 3

Today the non official score was 4-1.. we won again.  Addison did a great job and the weather was great to watch him play!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Soccer week 2

The weather was much different.. it was freezing....  last week 80 this week 50 but felt much colder.  The Gray team won again, and the kids did wonderful much fun to watch. Great job Addison..

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Jungle Party

This little group sang a song together, they were the onces with speaking parts.. too cute!!

I guess yellow was the color of the night.. I had yellow on as well.  Grandma Beth and Ayla were somewhere???  Thanks for coming..
Monday night Dresden Elementarty held the kindergarten musical.... Jungle Party!! Addison had a speaking part that we practiced for.  I think I was as nervous as he was but he did a wonderful job!!  All KG were very cute and it was fun to watch them!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Soccer 2012

Well we are back into the swing of things for soccer.  We had Addison's first game today, I think the score was 8-1! Addison was pumped they won, and HE SCORED A GOAL!!  Wooohooooo!!  Grandma Beth, Grandma Becky and Grandpa Tom was there to see the great moment.  Addison is on the same team as a buddy from school so that makes it even better!!  It was an abosutley beautiful day here so that made it even better!!

Table for Five Thousand

Addison and Aylahave been working hard for months on the Musical Table for Five Thousand.  Today was the big day.  They did a great job, it was fun to watch.  Thanks to Grandma Beth, Grandpa Tom, and Grandma Becky for coming to watch us perform. 

Spring Festival

On Saturday we had a busy day, we went to rehearsal at church for the performance on Sunday.  Then we had our School Festival.  I was signed up to work the first shift 3-4 and Adam was working so Grandma Beth took the kids around the festival while I volunteered in Addison's classroom.  It went fast and Addison and Ayla had a super time with Grandma and seeing friends.  I had to leave not long after my shift ended to head to Chillicothe so Grandma took the kids on to Hudson's First birthday party.  I has hoping Tiff would post pictures soon and I could copy them since I didn't give mom the camera.  Thanks Grandma for filling in and helping the kids carry on this fun night.

Happy 1st Birthday Hudder Bug! We love you!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

the Wilds

Today we took Jeff, Carol, Joel and Isla to the wilds.  We got to see the baby camel... so cute.

some fox


hissing cockroaches

these cheetahs were super hyper and were "climbing" up the fence.  Carol and I were not so comfortable wtih this since we had 4 meal sized children around. Isla loved the cheetahs she laughed so much at them.  These hyper animals were about one year old.

These are the newest baby cheetahs. 

Isla also love the giraffe, she squealed at them as well.  Joel did not like the fox but he loved the snake and hissing cockroaches.. Something wrong with that pictuer.. haha. they were so funny!

Fireball the rhino.

Joel playing with the rhino ball.  We had a wonderful time with Jeff, Carol, Joel and Isla, we are so thankful they had the time to spend with us.  We look forward to when we can do it again!!  We how they have a safe trip back to Texas!!  I posted lots tongight so you may have to click on older posts to see it all.!!  My " spring break" is now over!!

Family Dinner Party

The Gang!!

Egg Hunt