Addison & Ayla

Addison & Ayla

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ayla's Grandparents Day!

Today was Ayla's first grandparents day, she was very excited.  Grandma Beth, Grandpa John, Grandma Becky and Grandpa Tom all came up to go to it.  Ayla said they had so much fun making eggs!! They then went shopping at the book fair.  Ayla got many books and got her brother a book.  Ayla, Grandpa John and Grandma Beth  went to McDonald's ( Ayla's choice) and brought lunch to school to meet me and Addison who happen to have lunch at the same time.  Grandma Becky and Grandpa Tom joined them us well.  Anna and Ali also joined our family at lunch in the cafeteria.  We had a great time visiting!! Grandpa John and Grandma Beth brought Ayla home for a nap until Addison and I arrived!! Thanks for a great day!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Children's Choir

Today children's choir performed in church.  All  kids did a wonderful job, we are so proud of Addison and Ayla singing!! Grandpa John and Grandma Beth surprised us and showed up at church to watch them and we went to lumch at Cracker Barrel after!!  I loved this 3 day weekend.. I wish we always had 3 day weekends..

Corbin's 3

Corbin taking a swing..

Hudson's turn..


Braxton had a mean face...

Ayla taking a hit, the camera  was full when I was trying to get Addison taking a swing..

Friday evening we went to Corbin's 3rd Birthday and had a great time watching the kids play!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Super Slumber Party

For some reason we did not have school this Friday so Addison had asked a buddy to spend the night.  Then he realized some of the other kids may want to spend the night as well so we invited all of the kids from Tami's to spend the night on Thursday! Thank God Adam was here to help.  We had 8 kids here playing outside all evening!

Kyler, Corbin, Liam, Addison, Braxton, Anna, Ayla and Ali

We had a nice dinner on the deck.. girls table

Boys table....

They were sooooo dirty I had to give them a bath.. it was soo gross.. 8 kids getting a shower/ bath.. what a job!!   The boys wanted to cram in all at once.  Corbin and Liam left not long after bath time. 

The rest of the crew camped out in the living room eating popcorn and watching a movie!! They were all asleep by 10 and slept until Adam came down to leave for work at 7:15.  I didn't hear a peep the entire night.  All kids were very good and used great manners, we had no fights and no problems.  Every parent should be really proud.  It was a great time and I will do it again!!


Thursday when I went to pick Ayla up at preschool, her dance teacher was waiting on me.  She told me she needed to ask me a favor. ( I was nervous because I thought, geesh, I can't sew or do anything like that to help out with recital) So I was relieved when she asked me if Ayla could do a solo part in the evening recital with the older girls.  Ayla was only supposed to do her tap and ballet at the 1:00 recital and now they want her to do the Ballet Production, we have to go to some extra practices and prepare.  She said that ususally she only uses girls from teh night recital but she had been watching Ayla all year and she does great and wants to use her.  She said she is confident Ayla will do the part exactly the way she wants. .......( I hope she is right)  I agreed to allow her to do this.  So mark you calendars for May 19 and come watch Ayla now at both recitals that day!!  

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandma Beth!!

Today Grandma, Myia, Jack, Brittany, Addison, Ayla and I  went to Hartsone Pottery to design Grandma a Bowl for her Birthday, it went well it was fun, we learned about making pottery and had fun doing it... Can't wait to see what the fired product looks like!!

Ayla, Addison and Jack, patiently waiting!!

We used help from a professional to put hand prints on the items.

Adam, Grandpa and Grandma Kutsherenko and Aunt Susie met us back at our house for a late lunch and a birthday celebration!!  Thanks everyone for a fun weekend!!!

Liam's 3..or 4..

We visited with Grandma, Grandma, Brittany, Myia and Jack and then headed to Liam's Birthday.  He is so funny.  He doesn't want to be 3, he wants to be 4, because most of his friends are 4.. so cute. We had a great day Saturday perfect weather!!

Ayla's Car

Liam has been asking on a regular basis to ride in Ayla's car so on Friday, we brought him hom to play for a little bit so his mom could run some errands.  It was a fun little visit.  Then after that The Holden Family dropped by to pick up the kiddies to take them to Grandma's. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Today after church we went roller skating again,here is an action shot of poor Addison falling down!!

Hokey Pokey

Ayla wanted me to sit along the side and watch her go up and down the side and do tricks, they are both getting really good at skating.  We came home and took advantage of the beautiful weather and played outside! I thought I wanted to use up our snow days but now I am not so sure.

Grandma's House

Friday night Addison and Ayla went to Grandma Beth and Grandpa John's, they came home tired and looking like dirt balls....Grandpa came to Zanesville to pick them up.  Adam and I traveled to Chillicothe and Circleville to visit Grandma Arlegde she is Adam's great grandma who is in a nursing home, her body is slowly, slowly shutting down, I believe she is 96 and will be 97 in May.  Pray for her please, we pray she is comfortable and remains happy!!

Saturday Adam and I went down to pick the kiddies up.  We went over to visit Papaw Phil, he is doing good, he got a new buddy, a dog named Little Bit, seems like a good dog, the kids loved him!! 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My little reader!!

Addison is doing so great reading... Tonight I found him in his room, reading books all by himself.. sooo cute.. He also had a journal at home that he writes in daily, he writes about animals on a daily basis, which is helping him at school.  Mrs. Pessia said he is doing great !! Super proud!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Davis Family Reunion 2012

Today we had the Davis Family over for a little reunion and we also wanted to celebrate Uncle John's retirement!! Congratualtions!! Aunt Bette and Uncle Dwight had wanted us to have all of the Davis Family over so we did however the became ill and couldn't make it.. bummer.. Uncle John and Aunt Barb from North Carolina and Susie also from North Carolina came, as well as Brooke from Florida!! It was great to see them it was been some time since we had seen them!!!  Cousin Jim, Grandpa Tom and Grandma Becky, Aunt Erin and Uncle Justin, Jason, Mandy, Chloe and Noah, Uncle Dan and Aunt Susan, we had a great time spending the day with them, it was great to catch up and the kids had a blast!!

Adam had the camera and didn't do so well... you can see Dan, john, Susie, Susan, and Brooke

Brooke, John, Barb, Susie

Brotherly Love.... Dan, John, Tom

Choloe, Ayla, Addison, and Noah

Cousins, Erin, Jason, Susie, Brooke, Adam.... weird thing happened today, Brooke and I had the same shirt on!!! We both just bought it this week and wore it today... we didn't plan it!!

Noah and Addison

Jason, Jim & Dan, relaxing after brunch!

Dan, Mandy, Becky and Susan

Brooke, John, Barb, Tom, Me and Susie

Thanks to you all for coming we had a great time!! Wish we could do it more often!!

Last Football

We will miss hanign out with the Brownrigg family weekly,this is how we cheered every week for the boys!!

Braxton and Addison had a great time and a great game, Addison was a trickster this game, he would pretend he had the ball and we all would cheer for him and in fact he wasn't the one with the ball, he loved that!! It was fun to watch.

The Rams!! Thanks Nate, it was more fun with you as the coach, so glad you agreed to this, can't wait unitl next time!!

Braxton, Hudson, Ayla and Addion