Addison & Ayla

Addison & Ayla

Friday, December 31, 2010

Cardos with Cousins

We went over to Chillicothe on Thursday and met Chole, Noah and Jason at a place called Cardos. The kids had the bouce section to themselves and had a blast!! 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Tonight was family skate night at the Lind Arena(?) some friends and family met us there for a fun, exhausting night!! Everyone showed lots of improvement throughout the evening!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa Claus

The day after Christmas we celebrated Christams with Grandma Beth,
Grandpa Joh, Uncle Christian, Aunt Brittany, Myia and Jack!

Matching robes..

Addison's reaction to his new barn!!

Myia opening her favorite gift..
 Her tearful surprised reaction!!!!!!!

Addison and Ayla playing with the new dinos!

Christmas Day Dinner

Jack, Addison, Ashlyn, Myia and Ayla having dinner..We had dinner with Grandma Beth's side of the family Christmas Day!

 Ayla, Addison, Jack and Ashlyn waiting patiently???  to open presents!!

The girls had several dance parties and entertained us all..

                                                          more dancing....
                         Grandma Nancy made it and she seemed pretty good, a little confused but we had fun!

We made it to Grandma Kutscherenko's for lunch and a gift exchange!! Daddy had to work, Grandpa John went with him and they made it to Grandma Kutscherenko's for lunch!!  Aunt Susie the great teacher she is had craft time this year.. The kids made several cute little ornaments for the tree!!

Meet......Zoomer and Gayla

                                                    Gayla and Ayla...
  Addison and Zoomer, Addison is right good thing he named him Zoomer he is fast and its hard to get his picture!!
Gayla and Ayla..

                                                             Gayla getting a treat....

Santa made it!!

Daddy's gifts, Addison got him a football because he new daddy always wanted a football!! Ayla got him Batman pants and panties ( boxers) She wanted transformer but Batman worked!!

                        Ayla was pretty excited jumping around and dancing the entire time!
Addison got his chute and tamer and he said it was the best Christmas ever!
                  Mommy and Daddy got us a surprise this year!! We talked about wanting rabbits around Halloween but mommy talked us out of it and thought maybe the Easter Bunny could bring them. On one of Daddy's day of Patty from work called and told daddy someone left 3 rabbits by the gate and they caught them and they were good bunnies.  Daddy said he would take them,  but we later decided 2 would be plenty so another guy took the male and we took the 2 females.  They took car of them at the Wilds until Christmas.  On this past Monday, Patty called Adam and told him one of the rabbits had 3 babies, one had passed away and one was not doing well and they thought the other was doing fine.  Patty is handraising the bunny until it is big enough for us to have back...maybe.... the other rabbit ended up passing away.   They told us the other female was also probably pregnant so we had her checked and thankfully she was not.. Whew what a relief!!  Two bunnies are enough for us !!

Christmas Eve Weiner Roast

 On Christmas Eve we had our annual weiner roast!! Daddy roasted some great marshmallows and hot dogs this year!!
  Grandma Kutscherenko, Aunt Susie,Grandpa John and Grandma Beth joined us for the evening of preparation!
                 We are making reindeer food so the reindeer can eat while Santa is delivering gifts!
                      Watching some Christmas cartoons winding down for bed!
      Sprinkling our reindeer food out front for the reindeer to eat!
   This year they wanted to leave Santa one reindeer shaped cookie and chocolate milk, here we are preparing the mik.
                                              Placing the treats right next to the tree...

Hanging the magic key so Santa can get in..

                                           Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Davis Cabin Christmas

     Thursday we went to a Cabin in well....the middle of nowhere for the Davis Christmas, it was a very pretty cabin with lots of room to run and spend time with the Davis families!!
                             Uncle Dan and Uncle Jonathan relaxing by the fire!
                         Ayla waiting patiently to open her gifts!!
        Addison showing off a Nerf gun that is about to be taken away already..haha
                                            Ayla showing off her Barbie accessories...
                                   The Tom Davis Family!!
 Addison, Ayla, Claire, Becky, Erin, Kristen, Alicia, Jonathan, Tom, Justin, Adam
 The Tom & Dan Davis Family!  Addison, Ayla, Chloe, Noah, Susan, Becky, Erin, Ayla, Alicia, Roland, Dan, Tom, Jonathan, Kristen, Justin, Jason, Adam.  We missed you Mandy!!
                                                  Claire opening her presents!