Addison & Ayla

Addison & Ayla

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Addison is 8 !!!

Addison and Ayla agreed to have a double birthday party this year so we will post pictures after the party!! 

We woke up on his birthday and had some presents for him.  He got some Ben 10 guys and ....

                                                  a new bike!!

                                                      Grandma and Grandpa got him an IPOD touch.. spoiled!!
He was super pumped!!!  I kind of like it becasue he has been texting me.. !!
Sunday we went for a family bike ride it was really fun! Can't wait to take our bikes to the Dresden trail over the summer!!

Addison was treated like a king on his birthday! The kids at Tami's sang to him, his class sang to him, Grandma Beth sang to him, the Holden's sang to him and Claire sang to him, Joel and Isla also sang to him plus he got many messages!! 

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