Addison & Ayla

Addison & Ayla

Monday, March 18, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

Addison had a very exciting day! He had built a leprechaun trap last week with Adam, and they sat it over the weekend. Addison said his classmates wanted him to catch the leprechaun. He had a very strong opinion about what it should be like and what it should have in it.  He wanted to be sure that couldn't get out once he was trapped, he had to have a light on it and springs on it, it was quite a big deal.  Well he got to school today and it had a gold coin in it and an award for 1st place from the leprechaun.  He did it and boy he was happy!!

To top it off Mrs. Finnell came to visit for the a little bit.  In January she was diagnosed with Stage 4 bone cancer and has been out since February.  Addison as very excited to see her today and said he gave her a hug.  Please keep her and her family in your prayers, along with all of the kids in the class and at school.

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