Addison & Ayla

Addison & Ayla

Monday, August 29, 2011

Addison's First Day of Kindergarten

I told Addison that we always had to go to the end of our driveway and get our picture taken before we got on the bus, so we went right outside and walked to the end of the driveway, even though his bus was my car!! Ayla wanted in the action.  It was her first day off with her and dad, She was soo proud of her brother! She helped pack his lunch!

After school in mom's room! Addison said it was a great day and he learned alot!! He didn't know that a fox was a nocturnal animal!!!  

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Kutscherenko Reunion

Ayla and Sydnee

Our newest family member , 4 days old!! Layson Ray Duskey!!

The kids were sooooo tired from playing all day they just couldn't stay awake!!!!
Just kidding, Addison, Brady, Sydnee and Ayla had a great time playing at Meredith,s all day and the  best think for us was ....... that it was less than a mile away, the only family member in Zanesville, had us over for a family gathering! It was a fun day, thanks Meredith!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Meet the Teacher

Today Addison had Kindergarten testing, Adam and Ayla brought him to school and he worked with Mrs. Jones and Mrs Pessia, while we conferenced with them!! Addison did a great job and is officially ready for Monday!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Home together at last

My grandparents are finally home together!! It has been a whole entire week, I didn't want to annouce it too soon for fear that somebody would get sick.  We went over to visit them on Saturday and they both are doing pretty good.  The could continue to use prayers.  Grandma is still pretty weak and needs additional help.  We were glad to be able to visit them together at home!! 

Junk Food Day

Well I guess we rode to Bob Evans too soon, Tammy wanted to ride to Donalds' Donuts with the kids before school starts, so we did just that we started the day off with a ride/walk to Donalds for breakfast.  Then we went to the fair and had french fries, elephant ears and funnel cakes.  What a great way to end our summer break..... We got to pet one of each kind of animal at the fair and ate lots..

Friday, August 19, 2011

Kindergarten Orientation

Wednesday Dresden Elementary had an Ice Cream Party when the posted the class lists and we had KG orientation where we could meet Addison's teacher!!  Mrs. Pessia is going to be his teacher along with Mrs. Jones.   ( We already know them, I took classes with her when we were getting our masters and we got hired the same year!!) Adam knows her as well, he was doing an animal presentation and we had to go in lock down and he was "locked" in her classroom bathroom for 45 minutes a few years back.  He also recently took them around the Wilds!! Ali from the sitter happens to be in his class.  Addison is very excited about being in school.  Here is a not so good picture of him sitting in his new desk!!  Later we will get a picture of him with his teacher.... next week when he goes for testing.  His first day is Aug 29!! 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Visiting Grandparents

Today we went to vist Grandma Becky and Grandpa Tom. The live in a house now with lots of land.  We took a hike to a waterfall and played in the water.  We were looking for turkeys but never found any.  Then we went back to the house roasted hot dogs on the fire and had s'mores and ice cream for dessert.   Addison and Ayla had grandpa Tom take them a ride on all three tractors that were there..  Didn't want any tractor to feel left out!!  We had a nice visit.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Grandma Kutscherenko

Today we went to Brunch at Bryan's Place to celebrate Grandma Kutscherenko's birthday!! The last time I had been there was at our wedding reception. ( 11years ago)  The kids thought it was cool to see that place.  Adam missed it since he had to work.  It was great catching up with family and being able to celebrate with Grandma!

Ayla, Grandma and Addison

Sydnee, Ayla, Grandma and Addison

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Snake Hunting at the Wilds

One of the things the kids wanted to do before school starts was to go to the Wilds and snake hunt.  Adam and I used to do that when we first got married.  The only day we had available was not the best weather it was cool and cloudy, cool and sunny would have been better but we dressed in our old clothes and headed out to the Wilds where Adam still had some pieces of tin all around from the grant he got many years ago.

Ayla saying how amazing the flowers were...

Checking a tin but no snakes...

I did not get out of the truck and hike to the very first tin that they lifted and they found this lovely rat snake, that was the only snake we found, Adam put it down for Addison to catch on his own since we didn't find anymore.  He could probably do a better job if he had some smaller gloves, he wore Adam's.

                  Here is a video of Addison catching and putting down the snake... Looks like a pro huh...

Then we had to move the skid steer from beside rhino down to hoof stock so daddy could use it later this week, which both kids said was an amazing ride....

Next we had to fill the fish feeder's so they could make more money, on the weekends they have to fill them up many times.. I tried to get a picture to show how large the catfish are..

more catfish.. of course we had to feed them..

Friday, August 12, 2011

"Walking Club"

I walk with 2-3 friends Monday - Friday, in the summer we walk at 6:15-7:15, during school we go earlier so we are dreading that early time coming so this morning we decided to walk to Bob Evans to eat breakfast and walk home ( we usually reward ourselves twice a year, Christmas break and Summer break), well Adam works so we thought Addison and Ayla could ride bikes..  We made it to the Bob Evans just fine but Addison's bike was not working very well.  So Tammy carried it home and Addison walked. He was a trooper and still said he had fun!!  We have joked about trying to get more people to join our "club".  Tammy and Karen were a great help on this trip this morning, it was a little stressful making sure everyone was riding safely!!   Only one more week of the late schedule:(

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Big Time Rush

Last night we took Addison and Ayla to their very first concert!! ( It was also Jack's first concert) We met Myia, Jack and Brittany at the Ohio State Fair to see Big Time Rush!!

Hallow. ... the opening band

Big Time Rush- Addison and Ayla said it was soo awesome!

Me and Brittany thought that New Kids on the Block were a little cooler than Big Time Rush..haha..

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Zoombezi Bay

We were given tickets to Zoombezi Bay so on Monday we met Katie, Cooper and Jack at the Zoo.  Adam had the day off and went with us.  The weather was definetly hot enough!! The water was a little chilly.  I never realized how big the water park was, and how many things there was to do!  We got there when it opened at 10:30. Addison rode everything he could possibly ride for his height!  This was Ayla's favorite area. She loved going down the little slides!

Cooper and Addison taking a break from the big slides.

the kids chillin in the shade

Addison rode all of the slides shown ad the one on the right side behind the huge structure.  Adam said he LOVED it.  The barely let him go on the slides he was soooo close to the cut off height. He also rode another one on a raft in a tunner.  We all went on the lazy river as well. 

Jack was a trooper we didn't leave the water park until 4:30!!  We had a great time and the kids were in great moods so we went on over to the zoo and closed it down!

We didn't have much time so we looked at the crocodiles, reptiles, gorillas, rhinos and elephants.  We saw the cutest little baby gorilla hanging on to its mothers arm.. sooo cute!!