Addison & Ayla

Addison & Ayla

Saturday, January 22, 2011

*Winter at the Wilds*

Today after basketball we had a very special day!! We went to the wilds to see some things we have not seen yet!! We also haven't been to the wilds in winter in a long time and it was really different!!The picture above is the mother (Kamaria)of one litter of cheetah cubs that were born near the end of October.  She had two cubs that are living at the wilds. 

Addison helped feed them pans of meat, see the little one peaking around the corner..sooo cute!!

                                                                   momma and cub

Ayla helped feed these three cubs the mom is Tabu.  The little ones are not officially named yet.  It is a different process since the zoo has taken over.  The cubs were so much cuter than we ever imagined.  These three cubs were born about 1 1/2 weeks later than the litter above.

                                             Tabu showing her cubs  how to eat meat....yummy!!
I think Tabu had 4 cubs but one was not doing well and was pulled and joined another litter, the first litter born at the wilds, the mom was a first time mom and did not take care of them.  You may have seen the 4 of them on TV, they have been on talk shows and news programs.  They are being hand raised by people from the Columbus Zoo.  Lots of great things going on at the wilds and lots of changes, be sure to come out this summer!!!!!!!!

 Karmaria and her cubs outside as we were leaving with full bellies..

Addison and Ayla helped Adam open the door to allow the giraffe back in after he had cleaned the floor and it had dried, training to work at the wilds some day...........

           Mickey ate some bread from the kids today! Addison usally is comfortable feeding them but Ayla really enjoyed it today, Mickey stuck her tongue out to grab the bread, it is super long!!
This is the 11th baby rhino born at the wilds.  Her mom is Julie and the dad is Fireball, one of Addison's favorites.  She was born a couple of weeks ago.  She is very frisky she was running around and jumping around it was soo funny, she was so tiny and cute!

Rhino calf running around a little... super cute. She bucked around and was showing off.

Ayla was petting Sally who was also born at the wilds.  Ayla was very comfortable around the rhinos this time as well.  It was very neat seeing all of the rhinos in the barns!

Hay chopper, modified by Adam..haha.  One of the indian rhinos is old and has a tough time eat the hay so they have to chop his hay up every day so Adam was showing my dad how it works.  It looks like grass to me after its all chopped. I think Assam is one spoiled rhino!!

Addison's favorite animals is the Takin.  The wilds has been very successful in breeding them they now have around 30, the largest herd in the United States.  They started off with 7.  They do very well in the winter as well!!

We also had to check on Gobi the camel he is on the left.  My mom was with us her name is Beth, the same as the camel pictured on the right.  Mom got all excited when Addison told her, but he was quick to let her know that Beth wasn't his favorite because she had a twisted hump.. Adam also said she is often lame. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Baby its COLD outside.... Snow Day #4!!

They made all of the "buckeye" balls themselves...

Proud and a little too confident about our treats for Daddy!!

We got several inches of snow last night and found out before we went to bed that we had a snow day!! We had decided next snow day we would make some Valentine treats we say in a magazine, so we did it today! We made turtles, buckeyes and chocolate covered marsmallows! Addison and Ayla pretty much did it all! ( they will do anything for chocolate like their mom!!) We played in the snow last night since we knew it was going to be too cold today.  Adam was with us last night so we could watch Addison ramp over a little hill.  It was fun and the snow was really coming down while we were outside, so pretty!! I am not sure if I will be able to work a full day and go 5 days a week again???? We have had many 2 hour delays , 2 hour early dismissals since Christmas well we had several even before Christmas as well so it will be very difficult to get back into that routine. haha!  Adam said the roads were really bad on his way to work today it took him a long time to get there but he made it!  Stay Warm!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Addison and Ayla at the end of basketball yesterday!! They did great and had lots of fun!!

Braxton, Addison, Ayla, Anna, and Ali
Thanks Anna and Ali for coming to watch!!

Waiting to practice passing!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Let it Snow, Let it Snow!!

Snow Day #3 we decided to go play out in the snow! Addison said it was the best day ever, we went sledding on the neighbors hill behind our house and then came in for hot chocolate, life doesn't get much better!!

Basketball 2011

We signed up for Basketball this year!! Addison and Ayla are on the same team.  Saturday was the first game/practice and Ayla was sick so Addison went along with Daddy!! Ayla is pumped to go next week. Addison brought her shirt home to her so she coul be ready.

Wow he is fast!!

Braxton is also on the team, a buddy on your team always makes it even more fun!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Monster Jam 2011

Friday night we went to Nationwide Arena to watch Uncle Dan in the Monster Truck Show.  He announced that this will be his last year touring and that Allison his daughter will be driving his truck!!We were so excited to be able to be there!! Can't wait to watch Allison drive!! Addison and Ayla had a great time, Addison was sad to leave, but Ayla was happy she ended up with the flu in bathroom before the night was over, the show was almost over when she began complaining of her belly hurting.  Last night was a long night but she is better, it seems to be short lived, the kids at the sitter have had it so we knew it was on its way!! 
Thanks Aunt Chris for the cool shirts, sorry we didn't get a photo with Uncle Dan
Uncle Dan won doing Donuts!! He won 2 trophies and gave them to the fans, Addison was really cheering this year and wanted one bad, it was fun!!

 Katie, Jimo and Cooper met us there and joined us for the fun!! Cooper loved it as well, this was his first monster truck show!!  We are hoping that the loud noise will turn Katie's baby and get him ready to meet us all in the next couple of weeks!! Can't wait to meet baby "Jack"!!
These motorcycles, quads and bikes were pretty cool as well, Cooper wants to do that when he grows up!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

This year our normal plans were changed and Adam had to work New Year's Eve and New Years Day so we wanted to stay close to home so we let the kids decide what to do.  We had Daddy bring home Subway, eat then take a shower and get our new jammies on.  We played a game and had movie night!! We made a "sleeping bed" in our room for the movie, Ayla's side she had lotion, chapstick and a tissue, and she has make believe flowers all over her side.  Addison's side has a flashlight, drink and a flag.  His side has make believe trucks all over it.  We watched Despicable Me and went to sleep!! The kids loved it, they think its the best thing ever to sleep in our room, they woke up normal time in the best mood!! Happy Newy Year!!