Addison & Ayla

Addison & Ayla

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Davis Christmas

Claire, Addison and Ayla, ( Graham had an ear infection and didn't make it this year)

The cousins opening presents.

Jonathan and Claire choosing candy,..

Addison, Ayla, Claire and Grandpa Tom, getting ready for a bird hunt with Daddy and Uncle Jonathan.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Grandma Beth and Grandpa John's Christmas

We stayed with Grandma and Grandpa on Christmas Day and got up and Grandma and Grandpa Claus came!! Jack and Addison were not so patiently waiting on Myia to wake up so we could open our presents!!

Myia finally woke up, Myia, Addison Ayla and Jack are ready for the fun!

Jack trying out Ayla's gymnastics bar!

Addison got a new barn..

Ayla got a new baby buggy!
We had a great day and got lots of great things! Grandma and Grandpa Claus were very good to us! Thanks for a great day!!

Reeder Family Christmas

Most of the family!
Our next stop is back to Grandma Beth's for Christmas with her side of the family.  Ayla and Ashlynn playing ... silly girls!

Addison and Jack playing with Ashlyn's new puppy, he is soo cute!

Brent, Bryce, Dustin and Homer

Grandpa and Christian doing dishes....where is Adam...hmmmm..

Me trying to get kisses from Addison.

Nicoke, Brooke, Mike, Homer, Cara and Belinda, Getting ready for the fun gift exchange!! Homer won't play with us because he thinks we are mean to steal gifts from each other.  He thougth we were going to take a gift from Grandma Porter years ago and he won't participate.... maybe someday!

the silly girls again waiting for the kids turn

Papaw Phil's great grandkids with him.. Ashlyn, Ayla, Jack, Addison and Myia!

Bryce, Ashlyn, Markie , Belinda and Aaron with Papaw Phil

Papaw with his Grandkids. Brittany, Cara, Bryce, Alicia, Nicole, Caleb is missing from the picture and somehow Ashlyn snuck in!

Papaw with his kiddies, Brooke, Brent, Blinda and Beth.

We did a whole group photo but Nicole has it, I will post it as soon as I get it!

Grandma Kutscherenko's

On Christmas Day we got to Grandma Kutscherenko's for lunch and gift exchange, we always have lots of fun stealing gifts and attempting to get what we want!!  Addison, Sydnee and Ayla are patiently waiting for the kids turn!

Uncle Ray, Aunt Ila, Susie and Jenefer waiting for the fun to begin.

Aunt Karen, Eric, Ethan and Meredith are also waiting.

Myia is helping take care of Syndee's little brother Layson.

Santa Made It!!!

They rushed down the steps and began tearing into the presents, they were sooooo excited this year and it was so much fun.  Ayla kept saying this is the best day ever, this is what I always wanted!! Addison loved everything as well!!

Addison pumped he got a combine..

Ayla excited she got a gyro bowl... she loves the things on commercials and is always sold on them.. She wanted this last year and she said Santa forgot so luckily he remembered this year and it works just like seen on TV!!  She said she wanted this for a century!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve, we went to church, Addison and Ayla sang at the Christmas eve service and did a wonderful job!! They looked great singing up in front!!  Then we came back to our house for our annual weiner roast! Grandma Beth and Grandpa John, Grandma Kutscherenko and Aunt Susie joined us again, we had alot of fun!! Grandma and Addison area roasting the hot dogs!

Ayla and Daddy are also roasting!

For dessert we made s'mores on the left and on the right, Ayla got a new Easy Bake oven and we made chocolate chip cookies, they appear larger in the picture than they really were... they were about the size of a dime, Ayla had a blast making them and we got lots of laughs out of it!!

Grandma Kutscherenko, Grandpa John holding Addison, Grandma Beth holding Ayla and Aunt Susie!!
Thanks for coming up and spending the evening with us we had a great time!!

Ayla made reindeer food for Santa's Reindeer at preschool this year so Addison and Ayla are spreading the food on the deck so the Reindeer will have something to eat while Santa does his job.

Cookies and milk for Santa ..

Saturday, December 24, 2011

**Children's Christmas Party**

Tiff and Ayla in matching PJ's

Eating "breakfast" for dinner!!

The dad's were good sports and let me take pictures of our first and probably not the last PJ party.  We usually have the baby sitter and all of the families that go their for a gift exchange and Christmas Party, this year we had breakfast and wore PJ's!!!!!

and the mom's..

and all of the kiddies!!!

Ayla loved her Easy bake oven.. and barbies.  He told Avenue ( our elf) to tell Santa that Tami already go her the oven so he doesn't need to!!!

Addison loved his nerf gun and hotwheels bathtub toys

We are so thankful for the Scott family ( our babysitter ).  She spoils our kids and is a great friend!!  We are also so thankful for all of the families here, the kids are great friends and have great parents that would do anything for any of us!!